Waypoints to Redwood City

Approximate GPS coordinates, from North to South Unverified. Use at your own risk.

Location Latitude Longitude
South Bay Channel
between Marks 1 & 2
37 41.767N 122 20.424W
South Bay Channel
between Marks 3 & 4
37 40.179N 122 19.623W
South Bay Channel
between Marks 5 & 6
37 38.604N 122 18.869W
South Bay Mark 8 37 36.277N 122 17.461W
San Mateo Bridge
(High rise, Mid-span)
37 35.034N 122 15.091W
South Bay Mark 12 37 33.646N 122 12.600W
Redwood Creek Mark 2
(channel entrance)
37 33.101N 122 11.707W
Redwood Creek Mark 8 37 32.042N 122 11.628W
Redwood Creek Mark 10 37 31.765N 122 11.747W
Redwood Creek Mark 16 37 31.009N 122 12.518W