The CyberCruise email List

CyberCruise eMail
The CyberCruise email list is intended for people who want to keep updated on the CyberCruise schedule and share CyberCruise stories. It is assumed that those on the list have an interest in participating in CyberCruise activities. There are other more appropriate forums for general sailing chit-chat although, as friends who have shared in the experiences of CyberCruising, messages posted to the list are often colloquial in nature. They may include birth announcements, bubbling about a newly purchased boat, questions about the best anchorage in the South Bay, or (hold onto your disk drive) jpeg pictures of the most recent CyberCruise. This list is not intended as a forum for commercial advertising or jokes we've heard before ("Heard it!") or think unfunny. To be included on the CyberCruise email list, show up at a CyberCruise and present yourself to The Commodore.

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